Jonas Kaufmann

MSc Thesis and HiWi at MPI-SWS, CS at Saarland University


Hey there 👋. I’m a computer science Master student at Saarland University and member of the Operating Systems Group at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems under the supervision of my namesake Antoine Kaufmann. There, I am working on the full-system simulation framework SimBricks.

More generally, I enjoy playing around with hard- and software to figure out what makes a system tick and perform decently. During my time at the university, I have developed a particular interest in Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, High-Performance Networking, Software Engineering, as well as some theory here and there. I enjoy applying the obtained knowledge and combining it with existing state-of-the-art work to build something even more useful.

Lately, I’ve been mostly looking into custom hardware development for offloading intense computations and the high-performance interfaces between hard- and software that enable significant speed-ups through tight integration.


A collection of the projects I am currently working on.